Joshua Morgan |
The Career Center |
Joshua M. Gross, Ph.D., ABPP |
University Counseling Center |
- Ribeiro, M. D., Gross, J. M. and Turner, M. (Eds.) (2018) The College Counselor's Guide to Group Psychotherapy. In Press: Routledge: NY, NY.
- Ribeiro, M. D., Gross, J. M. and Turner, M. M. (2018) Preface: Introductory Considerations. In: The College Counselors Guide to Group Psychotherapy. In Press: Routledge: NY, NY.
- Gross, J. M. and Ribeiro, M. D. (2018) The College Counseling Center as a Unique Practice Setting for Group Therapy. In The College Counselors Guide to Group Psychotherapy. In Press: Routledge: NY, NY.
- Ribeiro, M. D. and Gross, J. M. Closing Thoughts (2018). In The College Counselor's Guide to Group Psychotherapy. In Press: Routledge: NY, NY.
- Denton, L., Gross, J., & Wojcik, C. (2017). Group counseling in the college setting: An international survey of venter directors. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 67(4), 540-564.
Nick Lang |
Student Activities Center |
Alan Acosta |
Dean of Students |
- Hudson, J., Acosta, A., & Holmes, R.C. (Eds.). (2018). Conduct and community: A residence life practitioners guide. Association of College and University Housing Officers“ International: Columbus, OH.
- Acosta, A. (2018). The ballot box. Journal of College and Character Connexions Newsletter, 4(4), 9-10.
- Acosta, A. (2018). Down the rabbit hole. Journal of College and Character Connexions Newsletter, 4(3), 6-7.
- Acosta, A. (2018). Those who live, die, and tell our stories. Journal of College and Character Connexions Newsletter, 4(2), 6-7.
- Acosta, A. (2018). The spectrum of moral development. Journal of College and Character Connexions Newsletter, 4(1), 5-6.
Rose Rezaei |
- Publications Rezaei, R.M. (2018), Creating Brave Spaces in Leadership Education. OSC In Guthrie, K.L. & Chunoo, V.S. (Eds.), Socially Just Leadership Education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Da'Shaun Scott |
Student Governance and Advocacy |
- Al-Hassan, K., Hornell, K., Moon, A., Pasternak, M., Scott, D., & Simon, J. (2018). Physical Environment as an Indicator of Cultural Validation in Counseling and Psychological Services and the Center for Human Growth at Indiana University. Journal of the Student Personnel Association at Indiana University, 42-67
Amy Magnuson |
Danielle Morgan Acosta |
Student Governance and Advocacy |
Erica Wiborg |
Center for Leadership & Social Change/ Leadership Learning Research Center |
- Wiborg, E. (In Press). Labyrinth contemplation: A focus on leader identity, values, & beliefs. In Jillian M. Volpe White, K. L. Guthrie, & M. Torres (Eds.), Thinking with purpose: Facilitating reflection in leadership learning. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Wiborg, E. (In Press). Talk, walk, & listen: Partner contemplative walk. In Jillian M. Volpe White, K. L. Guthrie, & M. Torres (Eds.), Thinking with purpose: Facilitating reflection in leadership learning. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Wiborg, E. (In Press). In My Feelings: Individual & Collective Capacities for Emotional Intelligence. In K. L. Guthrie & D. M. Jenkins (Eds.), Transforming Learning: Instructional and Assessment Strategies for Leadership Education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Wiborg, E. (2018). Coalescing communities: Critical leadership pedagogy in leadership education. In K. L. Guthrie & V. S. Chunoo (Eds.), Socially Just Leadership Education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Maritza Torres |
Center for Leadership and Social Change/Leadership Learning Research Center |
- Volpe White, J. M., Guthrie, K. L., & Torres, M. (In Press). Thinking with purpose: Reflection in leadership learning. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing
- Volpe White, J. M., Guthrie, K. L., & Torres, M. (In Press). Title of Activity. In J. M. Volpe White, K. L. Guthrie, & M. Torres (Eds.), Thinking with purpose: Facilitating reflection in leadership learning (pp. xx-xx). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Torres, M. (In Press). Architects, inventors, creators: Exploring follower behavior In groups. In K. L. Guthrie & D. M. Jenkins (Eds.), Transforming Learning: Instructional and Assessment Strategies for Leadership Education (pp. xx-xx). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Torres, M. (2018). Pa'lante siempre pa'lante! Latina leader identity development. In K.L. Guthrie., & V.S. Chunoo. Socially Just Leadership Education (pp. 127-143). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Torres,M. (2018). Habilidades blandas: Entendiendo la disonancia y la toxicidad. In The Leadership Trainer Certification Program Training Manual. Boston, MA: The Leadership Institute for Development, Education, and Research.
Casey Dozier |
Career Center |
- Dozier, V. C. & Osborn, D. (2018). Cognitive information processing theory: Applications in research and practice, National Institute for Career Education and Counselling, 41, 39-47.
- Osborn, D. S., Dozier, V. C., Peterson, G. W., Bullock-Yowell, E., Saunders, D. E., & Sampson, J. P. Jr. (2019). Cognitive information processing theory: Applications of an empirically based theory and interventions to diverse populations. In Arthur, N. & McMahon, M. (Eds.), Contemporary theories of career development: International perspectives (pp. 61-77). New York, NY: Routledge.
Emily Kennelly |
Career Center |
- Kennelly, E., Sargent, A., & Reardon, R. C. (Spring 2018). Viewing a familiar career theory in a new way: How research facilitates this process. Career Developments, 34(2), 6-8.
- Hayden, S. C., Robertson, H. C., & Kennelly, E. (2018). Military Culture in Counselor Education: Assessing Educators' Perceptions of Inclusion. The Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision, 10(1).
Debra Osborne |
Career Center |
- Osborn, D., Murphy, D., Burbrink, I., & Hoover, M. Florida State University Career Center, Career Development Network Journal, 34(2), 5-19.
- Hou, P-C., Osborn, D. S., & Sampson, J. P., Jr. (2018). Acculturation and career development of international and domestic college students. Career Development Quarterly, 66, 344-357.
- Miller, A. K., Osborn, D. S., Sampson, J. P., Jr., Peterson, G. W. (2018). The impact of a college course on students' career decision states. Career Development Quarterly, 66, 371-377.
Li Pon |
Career Center |
- Dowling, T., & Pon, L.,(July/August 2018 ussue), Internships 101: Attracting Quality Applicants. SOURCE Magazine (FSAE).
Jim Sampson |
Career Center |
- Kettunen, J., & Sampson, J. P. (2018). Challenges in implementing ICT in career services: Perspectives from career development experts. International Journal of Educational and Vocational Guidance, 1-18.
- Sampson, J. P., Osborn, D. S., Kettunen, J., Hou, P. C., Miller, A. K., & Makela, J. P. (2018). The validity of social media-based career information. The Career Development Quarterly, 66, 121-134.
Dorsey Spencer Jr. |
Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs |
- Spencer, D. & Guthrie, K. (2019). A blueprint for developing Black male leader identity, capacity, and efficacy through leadership learning. In J.T. Butcher, J. R. O'Connor Jr. and F. Titus (Eds.), Overcoming Challenges and Creating Opportunity for African American Male Students. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publishing.
- Spencer, D. (2018). The world is yours: Cultivating Black male leadership learning. In K. Guthrie and V. Chunoo (Eds.), Changing the Narrative: Socially Just Leadership Education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
Kathy Guthrie |
Center for Leadership and Social Change/ Leadership Learning Research Center |
- Guthrie, K. L. & Meriwether, J. L. (2018). Leadership development in digital spaces through mentoring, coaching, and advising. New Directions for Student Leadership, 158, 99-110.
- Guthrie, K. L., & Chunoo, V. S. (Eds). (2018). Changing the narrative: Socially just leadership education. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Guthrie, K. L., & Rodriguez, J. (2018). Creating Co-Curricular Socially Just Leadership Learning Environments. In K. L. Guthrie & V. S. Chunoo (Eds.), Changing the narrative: Socially just leadership education. (p. 245-258). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
- Guthrie, K. L., & Chunoo, V. S. (2018). Opening up the Conversation: An Introduction to Socially Just Leadership Education. In K. L. Guthrie & V. S. Chunoo (Eds.), Changing the narrative: Socially just leadership education. (p. 1-8). Charlotte, NC: Information Publishing.