Episode One: Getting Involved on Campus

750(w)x600(h), preferred ratio 5:4

Getting Involved on Campus!

Connect with VP Amy Hecht Episode 1

In our pilot episode, we give a detailed overview of the many, many ways students can get involved at Florida State University. VP Amy Hecht introduces the episode and then kicks it over to Freddy Juarez to cover Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL), Amanda Fronczak and Stormy McGivern to talk about Registered Student Organizations (RSO), and Jennifer Fasano over in Sport Clubs. Amy closes the episode with the Ask Amy segment, answering a student’s question about attending FSU.

Listen to Learn More About:

  • The different ways to get involved at FSU including greek life, student organizations and sport clubs

  • The benefits of joining a fraternity or sorority

  • How to find the right student organization for you

  • The difference between sport clubs and intramural sports

  • Leadership opportunities available through student involvement

  • Tips for balancing involvement with academics


Resources Mentioned: