October 2022
Presentations, Conferences and Exhibits

Laventrice Ridgeway, Ed.D.
Office of Accessibility Services
Presented “Navigating Higher Education as Black Woman with ADHD” at The Black Women ADHD Summit. This workshop offered insight into strategies to help turn ADHD into a superpower by increasing awareness of differences, leaning into connections with others with similar experiences, and encouraging self-acceptance in Black women with ADHD, diagnosed or not.

Brittany Mueller
Presented “An Introduction to Unified Sports” at a National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association Conference. In this presentation, Mueller shared her knowledge on bringing Special Olympics/Unified Sports to campus intramural sports programs.

Annette Peters, Ph.D.
Counseling and Psychological Services
Co-presented “Exploring Students' Experience with Telemental Health at Counseling and Psychological Services” at the American Psychological Association Conference. Research findings presented showed that the majority of participants indicated finding that telemental health helped them address their concerns and reduce their symptoms. They also found many benefits, such as continuing to have access to services during a pandemic, convenience, and flexibility of scheduling.
Honors and Awards

Amy Magnuson, Ph.D.
Is serving as the President of the Southern College Health Association (SCHA) until March 2023. SCHA is a regional affiliate of the American College Health Association.
DeOnte Brown, Ph.D., (Center for Academic Retention & Enhancement), Principal Investigator along with Co-Principal Investigator Stacy Spencer (Center for Academic Retention & Enhancement) and Joe O’Shea, Ph.D., (Undergraduate Studies) were awarded a $1.4 million dollar U.S. Department of Education grant for operation of an Upward Bound Math and Science Program for five years.
November 2022
Presentations, Conferences and Exhibits

LaToya Stackhouse, Ed.D.
FSU Panama City Campus Student Affairs
Was accepted to Ujima Institute, NASPA's leadership institute designed by and for African American and Black student affairs professionals who aspire to senior student affairs leadership.

Lacey Moret
Was selected to participate in the Guest Coach Program by FSU Athletics for November for her role in supporting international student athletes. She attended a session with Student Athlete Academic Services Staff and also was recognized on the court, along with several other FSU advisors, during the FSU Women’s Basketball game on November 16 as one of the “Heroes of the Game.”

Casey Dozier, Ph.D.
Career Center, Career Advising, Counseling and Instruction
Co-wrote "Standardized career course curriculum: Effects on negative career thoughts" for The Career Development Quarterly.
December 2022

Shelley Ducatt, Ph.D.
Department of Student Support and Transitions
Elected as the President of the National Association of ADA Coordinators. This association brings together professionals, providing a forum for the most up-to-date information on ADA issues, strategies and solutions, and enforcement.

Joi N. Phillips, Ph.D.
Center for Leadership & Social Change
Selected to the American Council on Education’s Women’s Leadership Mentoring Program. As part of the strategy to increase the number and diversity of women serving in executive-level positions at institutions and on governing boards, the American Council on Education designed this program to support and advance women through their careers in higher education.
Honors and Awards

Anissa Ford
December 2022: Received the New Professional Award at the Southern Association of Colleges and Employers Conference. This award recognizes “future leaders” within the association who have demonstrated significant contributions to the career services and/or recruitment profession
University Housing FSU Childcare & Early Learning Program was awarded the Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) grant to cover costs of tuition for student families and to offset some expenses for the center. It is a 4-year award of $1,353,400 each year for a total $5,413,600.