Accolades Archive

November 2024

Honors and Awards

DSA logo

Division of Student Affairs Marketing and Communications Office

DSA Marketing and Communications Office

Alice Maxwell, Alycia Malicz, Emma Massaglia, Cassidy Shaw, Chlo Keicher, Suzan Kurdak, Jessie Colegrove, Evan Eisenstark, Olivia Linton, Bala Kuthyaru, Ilaria Georgi, Amanda Fronczak and Shakir Choudhury (DSA Marketing and Communications) won the 2024 Best of District III (Southeast) Student Engagement Award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) for their student success campaign, Hello FSU!

Presentations and Conferences

hello presentation

Alice Maxwell, Alyica Malicz and Emma Massaglia

DSA Marketing and Communications

Presented "Say "Hello" to Campus-wide Student Engagement Marketing" in November at the American Marketing Association's Higher Education Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Sean Wilkinson

Sean Wilkinson

Campus Recreation

Presented "Florida Man Changes the Outdoor Industry with Regional Collaborations" at the Association of Outdoor Recreation & Education Conference held in New Orleans in November. He was joined by three colleagues and seven students from FSU Outdoor Recreation.

Shelley Ducatt

Shelley Ducatt, Ph.D.

Department of Student Support & Transitions

Made three presentations during the National Association of ADA Coordinators Annual Conference in November: “ADA Basics, Role of the ADA Coordinator & What OCR Expects,” “The Intersection Between Title IX and Disability” and “Student Misconduct: When You Find Yourself at the Crossroads of Mental Health, Threat Assessment, and Threat to Self.”

Scott Bleiweis

Scott Bleiweis

Center for Global Engagement, New International Student Services

Served on the Leadership Team for the NAFSA Region VII Annual Conference in Jacksonville, FL, in November. He also hosted a newcomer's session, presented on peer collaboration activities for international students and facilitated a panel discussion with representatives from the U.S. Department of State.

Michael Stewart-Meza

Michael Stewart-Meza

University Health Services, Medical Response Unit (MRU)

Presented “Crossroads of Ethics and Medicine: Ethical Considerations in the Out-of-Hospital Care of the Dying” at the HCA Florida Capital EMS Symposium held in November in Daytona Beach, FL.

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Robyn Brock and David Peters

New Student and Family Programs and Campus recreation

Robyn Brock (New Student & Family Programs), David Peters (Campus Recreation), and Allison Peters (Undergraduate Studies) presented “Cutting Through the Noise: Collaboration for Student Communication and Retention” at the National Orientation Directors Association national conference in November in Portland, OR.

Bylines and Publications

Asia Henry

Asia Henry

Career Center

Wrote "A Review of “Holland’s RIASEC Hexagon: A Paradigm for Life and Work Decisions." The article was published on Career Convergence, the National Career Development Association's Web Magazine.

October 2024

Honors and Awards

Ashton DeMarse

Ashton DeMarse

Student Conduct and Community Standards

Awarded the Hardee Fellowship for the 2024-25 academic year, which recognizes students committed to personal and professional development.

Amy Haggard

Amy Haggard

Student Conduct and Community Standards

Awarded the Hardee Fellowship for the 2024-25 academic year for her commitment to personal and professional development.

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Erin Sylvester Philpot and the Service Scholars Program

Center for Leadership and Service

The FSU Service Scholar Program was recognized as a NASPA-Florida 2024 Program of Distinction in the category of Careers, Academic Support, Service-Learning, Community Service and related programs.

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Jeff Bates and the SCCS team

Student Conduct & Community Standards

Conflict Resolution: Restorative Resolution was recognized as a NASPA-Florida 2024 Program of Distinction in the category of Housing, Residence Life, Contracted Services, Student Conduct and related programs.

Bridgid Shannon

Bridgid Shannon

Center for Leadership & Service, PeaceJam

October 2024: joined Global Team members and youth fellows in accepting the 2024 Karen Armstrong Humanitarian Award, on behalf of the PeaceJam Foundation at the Charter for Compassion Gala, during the 19th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Monterrey, Mexico.

Caitlin Reichert

Caitlin Reichert

Center for Global Engagement, Global Exchanges

October 2024: awarded a Conference Travel Grant from NAFSA: Association of International Educators to attend the 2024 Region VII Conference in Jacksonville, Florida this November.

Presentations and Conferences

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DeOnte Brown, Ph.D.

Center for Academic retention & Enhancement

DeOnte Brown, Ph.D. (Center for Academic Retention & Advancement) and Shae Roberts (Undergraduate Studies) co-led “Perspectives, Experiences, and Lessons Learned from Black Administrators” at the October 2024 NACADA Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, PA.

Kim Guyer

Kimberly Guyer, Ed.D.

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

Was a panel presenter for “The role of the Assistant/Associate Vice President and Dean in Leading Student Success on College Campuses" at the NASPA Region IV-West Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico on October 21-23.


Trinity Davis

Abby Cloud Langdon

New Student and Family Programs

Appointed as a co-chair on the Marketing and Communications Committee for the 2025 NODA Region VI Regional Conference.

Trinity Davis

Trinity Davis

New Student and Family Programs

Appointed as a SROWtern on the Traditions & Spirit Committee and will work with the Song, Skit, Step & Dance activities for the 2025 NODA Region VI Regional Conference.

Dr. Brittany Devies

Ben Wicker


Served on the ACUHO-I's 2024 STARS College faculty, presented “Moving from Leadership to Supervision” and mentored seven students across the nation.


Taylor Sheplak

Taylor Sheplak, MSW

Childcare & Early Learning

October 2024: Taylor is an IMH-E® Early Intervention Specialist who recently obtained her endorsement to advance to the level of Infant Family Specialist.

September 2024

Honors and Awards

Robert Billings

Robert Billings, MPA

Counseling & Psychological Services

September 2024: was awarded the Arising Scholar Graduate Student Award and Scholarship which honors Black/African American students who are on their journey to earn a doctoral degree (PhD, PsyD) in psychology.

Presentations and Conferences

Brigid, Nair, and Karissa

Bridgid Shannon, Nair Perez-Torres, Karissa Ta

Center for Leadership & Service

September 2024: presented "Peacebuilding in High-Conflict Communities" and "Ignite Your Impact: Crafting Campaigns for Change," as part of the PeaceJam Foundation Delegation at the 19th World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Monterrey, Mexico.

Annette Peters

Annette Peters, Ph.D., CGP

Counseling & Psychological Services

September 2024: presented “UCC Innovative Strategies to Attract and Retain Staff” at the 2024 Association of Counseling Center Training Agencies Conference in Philadelphia.

Bylines and Publications

August 2024

Presentations and Conferences

Christy L. Mantzanas

Christy L. Mantzanas

Career Center

August 2024: presented "Navigating Career Advancement: Evaluate and Strategize to Achieve" for members of the Big Bend Society of Human Resource Management.


Bylines and Publications

Dr. Brittany Devies

Brittany Devies, Ph.D.

Fraternity and Sorority Life

August 2024: published articles, “First Come, First Observed: Utilizing Observation as a Pedagogical Tool to Transform Leadership Learning” with Grant Mitchell and Katherine Gibson (FSU alumni); “Intentional, inclusive, and interconnected: Looking forward with the leadership learning framework” with Ana Maia, Ph.D.; “Engaging, Observing, and Reflecting: Utilizing the Leadership Learning Framework as an Instructional Tool” with Kathy Guthrie Ph.D.; and published an article “Engaging, observing, and reflecting: Utilizing the leadership learning framework as an instructional tool” in New Directions for Student Leadership, Volume 2024. She also co-authored a book: Foundations of Leadership: Principles, Practice, and Progress.

Amy Hecht

Amy Hecht

Vice President for Student Affairs

August 2024: co-edited The Next Act: Realigning Your Mindset, Purpose, and Career (available for preorder), which explores diverse career development opportunities for student affairs professionals. 

July 2024

Honors and Awards

DSA logo

Liz Iaconis

Center for Leadership and Service

July 2024: coordinated by Liz Iaconis, FSU Votes was recognized by ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge as one of 3 ACC institutions to date to have submitted a highly established campus voter engagement plan for the 2024-2026 action planning cycle. With this achievement from ALL IN, FSU Votes was jointly recognized by Campus Vote Project and NASPA for the second consecutive cycle as a Voter Friendly Campus.

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Division of Student Affairs Marketing and Communications Office

DSA Marketing and Communications Office

July 2024: earned an international Circle of Excellence Award from the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) for the "Hello FSU!" campaign. This FSU student success communications campaign won the CASE Student Engagement Grand Gold Circle of Excellence Award—the recognition awarded to the highest scoring entry in the category. Congratulations DSA MarComm team members Alice Maxwell, Alycia Malicz, Emma Massaglia, Cassidy Shaw, Chlo Keicher, Suzan Kurdak, Jessie Colegrove, Evan Eisenstark, Ilaria Georgi and Amanda Fronczak!

Presentations and Conferences

DeOnte Brown

DeOnte Brown

Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement

July 2024: co-presented “Students Experiencing Homelessness: Your Role in Building Equitable Campus Support” and served as a panelist for “Managing Up: Lessons Learned by First Scholars Network Institutions” at the NASPA Conferences on Student Success in Higher Education in Anaheim, CA.

Shannon Staten

Shannon Staten, Ph.D.

University Housing

July 2024: presented two sessions at the 2024 Association of College and University Housing Officers – International Conference: "Making 20 new contacts in an hour: Connecting with Women Leaders" and "My Doctoral Journey Started at 50."


Bylines and Publications

June 2024

Presentations, Conferences and Events

Bryant Harden, Ph.D.

Bryant Harden, Ph.D.

Center for Global Engagement

June 2024: presented his paper “Undermining the Mission: An Interpretive Analysis of Counter-Conduct in the United States Peace Corps” at the Central and East European International Studies Association (CEEISA) and the International Studies Association (ISA) joint International Conference in Rijeka, Croatia.

Anissa Ford

Anissa Ford

Career Center

June 2024: presented "What Happens When Career Centers Facilitate Job Shadowing?" at the 2024 National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) Conference in Phoenix.


Zduy Chu

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

June 2024: presented "State of Student Affairs: U.S. Higher Education and Cancel Culture - Can we just talk about it?" at the Transatlantic Dialogue Conference (TAD) in Luxembourg.

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Angela Chong, JD, and Shelley Ducatt

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and the Department of Student Support and Transitions

June 2024: presented "Preserving Collaboration Through Change and Turnover" at the 2024 NASPA Region III Summer Symposium.

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Zduy Chu, Angela Chong, JD, and Luzmi Valenzuela

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

June 2024: presented "Cultivating Tomorrow's Student Affairs Leaders: Nurturing Students' Potential Through Mentorship within NASPA's Undergraduate Fellows Program" at the 2024 NASPA Region III Summer Symposium.

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Zduy Chu and Xavien Johns

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

June 2024: presented "Building Tomorrow's Leaders: A Closer Look into FSU’s NASPA and NOLES (N2UFP) Program for Aspiring Undergraduate Student Affairs Professionals" at the 2024 NASPA Region III Summer Symposium.

Angela Chong

Angela Chong, JD

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

June 2024: presented "When the First Amendment Goes to College: Considerations for Policy and Application at a Private vs. Public University" at the 2024 NASPA Region III Summer Symposium.

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Xiaoxuan Li

Student Agencies and Institutes

June 2024: presented "Empowering change: A student-led diversity & inclusion initiative in the face of legislative challenges" at the 2024 NASPA Region III Summer Symposium.

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Felicia Williams, Ph.D., Andy Johnson, Kyanna Austin, Sam Diaz, Anthony Benn and Isabella LoBianco

Department of Student Engagement

June 2024: Staff and students from the Department of Student Engagement presented a session at the NASPA Region III Summer Symposium. The session, titled "'Let's Balance!': Gamifying the SGA Budget Process to Empower Student Government Leaders," showcased how the Department of Student Engagement developed a board game as a fun and interactive training tool. The game enables students to simulate the process of balancing an SGA budget while also developing emotional intelligence and leadership skills.
Presenters at the NASPA conference were Dr. Felicia Williams, Director of Student Engagement; Andy Johnson, Program Director for Student Governance & Advocacy; Kyanna Austin, Program Manager in the Student Governance & Advocacy office; and Sam Diaz, Student Assistant and Immediate Past President of the Student Senate.
The Student Engagement team also presented "Let's Balance" at the 2024 Student Government Institute in Gainesville in May, assisted by Student Body Vice President Anthony Benn and Summer Senate President Isabella LoBianco.

Darryl Lovett

Darryl Lovett, Ph.D.

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

June 2024: presented "Cultivating a Positive Staff Experience and Culture in Student Affairs" at the NASPA Region III Summer Symposium.

Sierra Turner

Sierra Turner, Ph.D.

Office of Student Agencies and Institutes

June 2024: facilitated "Thinking Outside of the Box: Facilitating Third Spaces for Underrepresented Students in this Political Climate", a conversation on creating third spaces for university students in light of recent anti-DEI legislation at the NASPA Region III Summer Symposium in Orlando, FL. Dr. Turner and her co-facilitator, FSU alumnae, Dr. Challen Wellington, worked with higher education professionals from all of over the country to explore the implications of the anti-DEI legislation and how it impacts the work they do with and on behalf of students.

Tori Andrews

Tori Andrews

Career Center

June 2024: presented "Maximizing ROI in Employer Relations: Navigating Budgets and Financial Metrics" at the Southern Association of Colleges and Employers annual Employer Relations Summit.

Alice Maxwell

Alice Maxwell

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

June 2024: presented "Say 'Hello' to Florida State University's Student Success Communications Campaign" at the Student Communications Conference hosted by the Council of Advancement and Support of Education (Europe) in Birmingham, England.

Jamie Butler

Jamie Butler and Abbey Hale, M.S.

The Career Center

June 2024: presented “Collaborating with Employers on Real World Challenges to Prepare Students for the Workplace” at the 2024 FloridaACE Annual Conference in Jacksonville, FL.

Christy Mantzanas

Christy Mantzanas

The Career Center

June 2024: presented "Collaborative Excellence: Unleashing Solutions in Employer Relations Idea-athon" at the Southern Association of Colleges and Employer annual Employer Relations Summit.

Rana Emad

Rana Emad

The Career Center

June 2024: presented a session titled “Unlocking International Student Potential through Innovative Strategies for Career Support” at the FloridaACE Professional Development Conference in Jacksonville, FL

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Zduy Chu and Freddy Juarez

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Fraternity and Sorority Life

June 2024: presented "Building Community Together: Florida State's Innovative and Sustainable Model for Fraternity and Sorority Life Engagement and Success" at the NASPA Region III Summer Symposium.

Naspa region II summer symposium logo

Angela Chong, JD, Brandon Bowden, Zduy Chu

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

June 2024: presented "From A, B, to Z – Lessons Learned and Collaborative Approaches to the AVP Position" at the NASPA Region III Summer Symposium.



Tony Cline

Tony Cline

University Health Services

June 2024: graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelors of Science in the FSU Interdisciplinary Social Sciences program, with a specialization in Public Service. Tony has also obtained 2 undergraduate certificates: Emergency Management & Homeland Security and U.S. Intelligence Studies.

Mackenzie Fisher

Mackenzie Fisher, NCC, CCC

Career Center

June 2024: gained the Certified Career Counselor (CCC) credential, successfully completed her CACREP-accredited FSU Career Counseling M.S./Ed.S degree, and provided proof of 700+ hours of direct and indirect career counseling.

Aline Dort

Aline Dort

Career Center

June 2024: received her Certified Career Counselor (CCC) credential through the National Career Development Association credentialing body. This required Aline to complete 600 hours of career counseling experience in addition to passing a case study blind review exam.

May 2024

Awards, Fellowships, and Scholarships

Brittany Mueller

Brittany Mueller

Campus Recreation

May 2024: awarded the NIRSA Annual Service Award for outstanding commitment to the inclusion and integration of Special Olympic athletes in the NIRSA Championship Series.

Presentations, Conferences and Exhibits

Tanya Schaad

Tanya Schaad

Center for Global Engagement

May 2024: co-presented “Advising Students and Scholars Moving to Other Legal Statuses” at the NAFSA International Association of International Educators national conference in New Orleans on May 31, 2024, with attorney David Ware and Director of the Office of International Students and Scholars at the University of New Orleans, Christiana J. Thomas.

Amy Magnuson

Amy Magnuson, Ph.D.

University Health Services

May 2024: presented "Cultivating College Health Services: Structure Drives Function" with colleagues from the University of Georgia, Sam Houston, Colorado State & Missouri State at the American College Health Association (ACHA) Annual Meeting.

Kari DiDonato

Kari DiDonato

Campus Recreation

May 2024: presented at the 2024 NIRSA Annual Conference on Campus Recreation marketing departments. Shared research on retention strategies, showed the value of Campus Recreation marketing departments, and gave insight and best practices on how to make you and your team most successful.


Xavien Johns

Xavien Johns

Office of The Vice President for Student Affairs

May 2024: appointed as a NASPA Region III Board Member, serving as the Co-Graduate Representative.


Bryant Harden, Ph.D.

Bryant Harden, Ph.D.

The Center for Global Engagement

May 2024: co-authored a chapter on teaching feminist International Relations theories in the Palgrave Handbook on the Pedagogy of International Relations Theory, published a book review of Development Discourse and Global History: From Colonialism to the Sustainable Development Goals in Mongolia Studies and authored a chapter titled "Becoming a Global Citizen: The Transformative Power of Study Abroad" which is set to be published by Mercer University Press this year in Leveraging Study Abroad Experiences: The Journey Continues.

April 2024

Awards, Fellowships, and Scholarships

Michael Fine, M.S.

Michael Fine, M.S.

Student Union

April 2024: Michael R. Fine, M.S., associate director of the FSU Student Union, has been honored as the recipient of the prestigious Gordon Teigen Meritorious Service Award for 2024. The annual award is presented to an individual for outstanding service to collegiate bowling. Recognized twice as one of the Bowlers Journal’s "Top 100 Bowling Coaches in America," Fine currently represents the interests of all collegiate bowling programs on the USBC Collegiate Advisory Council and serves as Secretary/Rules Editor for NCAA Women’s Bowling.

Dr. Felicia Williams and Andy Johnson at Tau Sigma Honor Society

Felicia D. Williams, Ph.D. and Andy Johnson

Student Engagement

April 2024: inducted by the Office of Transfer Student Services as Honorary Members into the Tau Sigma Honor Society. Additionally, the Office of Student Governance and Advocacy was awarded the 2024 Transfer Advocate award for the support of FSU's transfer student population through programs such as the Transfer Leadership Program, Welcome FSU, and SGA funding support.

Xavien Johns

Xavien Johns

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

April 2024: selected as a 2024 Jim Rhatigan Graduate Fellow for the 2024 NASPA Annual Conference. This fellowship was given to only 8 Graduate Students around the nation.

Presentations, Conferences and Exhibits

Xavien Johns

Xavien Johns

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

April 2024: Co-presented at the 2024 Annual NASPA Conference in Seattle under the topic "From NUFP to Graduate School: The Importance of Preparatory Programs and Internships for Graduate Student Success." Xavien presented alongside NUFP cohort members Asa Lewis, graduate student at the University of Maryland, Warren Lor, graduate student at The Ohio State University, and Dr. Lane Washington, Senior Advisor to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs at the University of Colorado Boulder.

March 2024

Awards, Fellowships, and Scholarships

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Tyrone "TJ" Johnson

The Career Center

March 2024: received the 2023-24 Outstanding Undergraduate Advising Award. The Outstanding Undergraduate Advising Award recognizes excellence in undergraduate advising involving a number of areas including knowledge about curriculum, areas of concentration and career options, sensitivity to pressures and demands on students, good communication skills, and a non-judgmental approach for advisees’ concerns.

V. Casey Dozier

V. Casey Dozier Ph.D.

The Career Center

March 2024: has been selected as the recipient of the NCDA Outstanding Career Practitioner Award for 2024! Dr. Dozier will be honored at the NCDA Global Conference in San Diego, California in June. The awards committee was unanimously impressed with how her scholarly pursuits, application of theory to practice, direct career service, teaching, international collaborations, and years of service to the profession not only meet but exceed the essence of each award criterion.

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Rana Emad, Jacob Stamm, Sabrina Quiroga, Danny Chiarodit

The Career Center

March 2024: received the National Career Development Association (NCDA) 2024 Graduate Student Conference Scholarship.

Sarah Butler

Sarah Butler

University Housing

March 2024: Associate Director Sarah Butler won the Southeastern Association of Housing Officer's prestigious Charles W. Beene Memorial Service Award at this year's conference.

Presentations, Conferences and Exhibits

Stephanie Walker

Stephanie Walker

FSU Childcare

March 2024: presented "Preparing Pre-Kindergarten Families for the Transition to Elementary School" at the March 2024 National Coalition for Campus Children's Centers conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Li Pon

Li Pon

The Career Center

March 2024: presented "Guiding International Students through the U.S. Career Landscape" at the 2024 Florida Association of International Educators (FAIE) hosted at Florida State University.

Corbin H. Ryder

Corbin H. Ryder

Center for Health Advocacy Research Center

March 2024: presented "Utilizing Pedagogical Strategies to Engage Black Men in Leadership Development" at the 2024 NASPA Annual Conference.

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Patrick Marshall

University Housing

March 2024: presented poster session "Higher Education as a Failing System: Examining the Impact of Current Legislation on Support Services for Underrepresented Students".

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Raines Baker, Tyliah Parrish, Danny Chiarodit, and Marty Swanbrow Becker

The Career Center

March 2024: presented "How Perceptions of University Support of Diverse Students Influence Help-seeking and Help-giving" at the College of Education, Health & Human Sciences showcase.

Rana Emad

Rana Sedeeq and Jinlin Wu

The Career Center

March 2024: presented "International Students’ Resilience in U.S. Higher Education Institutions" at the College of Education, Health & Human Sciences showcase.

NSFP at the Southern Regional Orientation Workshop

Robyn Brock, Trinity Davis, Zac Collins, Madison Merrill, Riley Curls, Amya Stokes, Ryan Short, Barbora Melichova and Cassie Hiatt

New Student & Family Programs

March 2024: presented at the Southern Regional Orientation Workshop (SROW). The team of 12 under graduates, three graduate students, and two full-time professionals participated in the undergraduate case study, the banner competition and applied for the innovative program award. The team won first place for their undergrad case study, second place in their banner competition, and the Overall Innovative Program Winner for their food recovery project with Sustainable Campus and Seminole Dining. Tara King and Kaitlyn Ritt won first place, Madison Merrill won first place, Trinity Davis and Zac Collins won second place, Amya Stokes and Barbora Melichova won third place for their graduate presentations.

Maria Zareen, Annie Hu and Chris LaFever, Ph.D.

Maria Zareen, Annie Hu and Chris LaFever, Ph.D.

The Career Center

March 2024: presented "Ethical Dilemmas Supporting Realistic Goals Without Imposing Values on the Client" at the 2024 Florida Career Development Association (FCDA) Summit.

Jake and JJ

J.J. Jerez, Jake Bucher and Kelechi Nnaji

The Career Center

March 2024: presented "Bridging Realms: Navigating the Intersectionality of Career and Mental Health" at the 2024 Florida Career Development Association (FCDA) Summit.

Qiong Li

Qiong Li

The Career Center

March 2024: presented "Self-perceived Employability for People in Mid-career" at the 2024 Florida Career Development Association (FCDA) Summit.

Jacob Stamm and Sabrina Quiroga

Jacob Stamm and Sabrina Quiroga

The Career Center

March 2024: presented "Career Indecision and Metacognitions in College Students" at the 2024 Florida Career Development Association (FCDA) Summit.

Jacob Stamm and Deb Osborn, Ph.D.

Jacob Stamm and Deb Osborn, Ph.D.

The Career Center

March 2024: presented "Decoding the Digital Frontier: Information/Communication Technology Trends within Career Development Articles (2009-2022)" at the 2024 Florida Career Development Association (FCDA) Summit.


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Tracey Dowling, EdD

The Career Center

March 2024: nominated by peer members to serve another term as Vice President for the Capital Women’s Network 2024-25. Capital Women's Network was established in Tallahassee, Florida in 1978. It was started as part of a conscious and concerted effort to help women advance in business, the professions, and government during an era when women were just beginning to diverge from their traditional roles in the American workforce and move into management, law, accounting, medicine, and even politics.

Ben Wicker

Ben Wicker

University Housing

March 2024: Ben volunteers as an Assistant Cubmaster for Pack 6 in Tallahassee, and recently completed the Scouts BSA Wood Badge advanced, national leadership course. The course is for Scouting volunteers and professionals who work to plan and achieve a set of goals aimed at strengthening the Scouting program at unit, local, state, regional, and national levels. The Wood Badge course can take anywhere from 8 to 18 months to complete.

Ben Wicker

Ben Wicker

University Housing

March 2024: Residential Student Experience Director Ben Wicker started his position as Southeastern Association of Housing Officers (SEAHO) President on March 1 and is representing FSU well!


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Darryl Lovett

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

March 2024: successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation in Higher Education! The title of his dissertation is “Exploring Administrators’ Perspectives on Cultivating Sense of Belonging Through Black Male Mentorship Programs at Mid-size and Large Predominately White Institutions.”

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Yang Li

The Career Center

March 2024: successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation in Higher Education! The title of her dissertation is "Charting New Waters: Navigating Intersectional Identities in STEM – A Focus on Asian International Women."

February 2024

Awards, Fellowships, and Scholarships

Rana Sedeeq

Rana Sedeeq

The Career Center

February 2024: received the NCDA 2024 Graduate Student Conference Scholarship.

Presentations, Conferences, and Exhibits

Ben Wicker

Ben Wicker

University Housing

February and March 2024: Residential Student Experience Director Ben Wicker successfully presented a session titled: At Least We're Not in Florida: A Working In the Sunshine State Story at the Southeastern Association of Housing Officers (SEAHO) Annual Conference, with other Florida Housing leaders.

Kelly Clark

Kelly Clark

University Housing

February and March 2024: Assistant Director Kelly Clark served on a panel titled Navigating our 'Controversial' Identities on College Campuses at the Southeastern Association of Housing Officers (SEAHO) Annual Conference.

Amanda Peerce, Liz Schumm and Joey McGinn

Amanda Peerce, Liz Schumm and Joey McGinn

University Housing

February and March 2024: Residence Coordinator Amanda Peerce and Assistant Coordinator Liz Schumm successfully presented along with Joey McGinn at the Southeastern Association of Housing Officers (SEAHO) Annual Conference. Their session was titled: Supervising Neurodiverse Student Staff: Strategies for Inclusive Leadership.

Brian Sayre

Brian Sayre and Rachel Blakesley, Ph.D.

University Housing

February and March 2024: Hall Coordinator Brian Sayre and Dr. Rachel Blakesley successfully presented their "Best of Florida" session at the Southeastern Association of Housing Officers (SEAHO) Annual Conference, titled: From Great Resignation to Great Reimagination: Addressing the Recruitment & Retention Needs in Housing.

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Steven Niette

Center for Global Engagement

February 2024: co-presented Administrative Processing: The Student Experience at the Florida Association of International Educators Conference.

Jared Tirone

Jared Tirone

The Center for Global Engagement

February 2024: co-presented Guiding International Students Through the U.S. Career Landscape at the Florida Association of International Educators Conference.

DSA Flag

Alice Maxwell, Alycia Malicz, Jaden Austin and Emma Massaglia

Division of Student Affairs Marketing and Communications Office

February 2024: presented Collaborative Marketing for a Unified Student Success Initiative: Hello FSU! at the 2024 CASE District III Conference.


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Rose Rezaei, Lara Perez-Felkner, Ph.D., and Ladanya Ramirez Surmeier, Ph.D.

Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness

February 2024: published a chapter on gender and educational inequality in the Sage Handbook of Sociology of Education.
Perez-Felkner, L., Ramirez Surmeier, L., & Rezaei, R. (2023). Gender and Educational Inequality. In Mark Berends, Barbara Schneider, & Stephen Lamb (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Sociology of Education (pp. 142-158). Sage Publications

January 2024

Presentations, Conferences and Exhibits

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Rana Sedeeq

Career Center

January 2024: presented Navigating Change: Exploring the Economic, Cultural, and Resilience Impacts of International Students in U.S. Higher Education at the Florida Mental Health Counseling Association 2024 Conference.

Zduy Chu

Zduy Chu, Ed. D.

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

January 2024: selected to present State of Student Affairs: U.S. Higher Education and Cancel Culture - Can we just talk about it? at the Transatlantic Dialogue Conference (TAD) in Luxembourg in May.


Zduy Chu

Zduy Chu, Ed. D.

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

January 2024: selected to serve on the NASPA Presidential Search Committee.

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Stephanie Walker

FSU Childcare

January 2024: accepted as a Board Member for the National Coalition for Campus Children’s Centers! We are so happy to have her representing a faculty voice on the board and representing FSU on the national level.