About Us
The Run & Walk Club is a group of staff members who share a passion for running, walking, and staying healthy. The club organizes regular outings to explore different routes, enjoy the scenery, and socialize with colleagues.
Activities & Goals:
- Run or walk different routes throughout the week, depending on our schedules and preferences.
- Provide the opportunity to meet up for local races, virtual competitions, and social meet-ups with the group.
Co-leads are responsible for welcoming new members, helping to organize events, and providing ongoing support. However, we welcome all members to set up times to meet up if the co-leads are not available!
What interested you about this activity?
"I am a runner and have led running clubs in the past."
How has this group influenced your life?
"I have met and connected with folks from across the division that I may not have met otherwise."
What do you hope people get out of this group?
"The ability to meet other people from across DSA interested in running/walking and connect to participate in races and social events."
Alanna Kibiloski
Senior Director of Development for Student Affairs, OVPSA
What interested you about this activity?
It was an opportunity to build community with DSA colleagues while getting & staying active!
How has this group influenced your life?
"I have been able to meet DSA colleagues that I otherwise do not get to work with."
What do you hope people get out of this group?
"Connections and tips for staying active! Run, walk, or share your best routes! Just come join our group."
Li Pon
Senior Assistant Director and InternFSU Program Manager for the Career Center
Erin Sylvester Philpot
Asst Director, Academic & Student Services - Center for Leadership & Service
If you're interested in joining our group, fill out this form: